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Little Jam Cookies for Mother's Day
300 g Flour
75 g Hazelnut Powder
1 Pinch of Salt
200 g Fine Sugar
225 g Butter (room temperature)
1 Egg
1 Egg Yolk
1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
Pink liquid food colours (optional)
For Decoration:
Icing Sugar
Red Fruit Jam (cream, …)
Mix flour, hazelnut powder and salt together.
Using a food processor, cream butter with sugar until frothy. (You can do it by hand if you feel strong enough. :)) Then add a few drops of food colours. Continue mixing for about 2 minutes until fluffy.
Add an egg yolk, mix well, then add an egg and vanilla extract. Stir flour, hazelnut powder and salt into the mixture. Mix until homogeneous but don’t let the dough form into a ball. This will keep your cookies crispy and crumbly.
Let the dough rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 3 mm and cut into desired shape with a serrated round cookie cutter. Use a mini cookie cutter and cut small hearts into the centres of half of the cookies. Place the cookies onto prepared baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Tip: You can also use a linzer cookie cutter set if you have one.
Bake at 160 °C until golden brown (about 8-12 minutes).
Once your biscuits are cooled, spread a thin layer of jam on the bottom surface of the full cookies. Place the cut-out cookie on top and gently sandwich them together.
For big gourmands: Instead of jam, use chocolate cream or any other filling.