Enjoy baking delicious cookies with your family!


When it comes to Christmas cookies, each family has its own secret recipes that pass from generation to generation. Gingerbread, chocolate cookies, cookies filled with jam... There are thousands of recipes but each of them has the same main feature – they are delicious! There is one more thing all cookies have in common – they are perfectly shaped – thanks to cookies cutters! 


Due to coronavirus measures, family activities are considerably reduced. However, it is a good time for baking Christmas cookies with your family. Children will enjoy spending time in the kitchen and putting their hearts into baking cookies. And what could make it more fun than decorating cookies, cupcakes and cakes with melted chocolate, icing or sprinkles? You only have to decide if the cookies should be stored or served and eaten immediately!


Vera's Christmas Cookie Cutters





To make sure your Christmas cookies are a success, ChezVera offers you a wide selection of Christmas cookie cutters with different motifs: small snowflakes, Christmas trees, Santa's reindeer, pretty angels and many others. So many options that will help you to bake delicious and pretty Christmas cookies.


Whether sweet or salty, your cookies will definitely have a perfect shape thanks to Chez Vera's high-quality cookie cutters. Our cookie cutters are made of stainless steel or tinplate, they guarantee to last long.


Don't miss out on these various Christmas Cookie Cutters Set sales:


Cookie Cutters Set 1

Cookie Cutters Set 2

Cookie Cutters Set 3

Cookie Cutters Set 4

Cookie Cutters Set  5


Buy a Cookie Cutters Set as a gift!


In these new and uncertain times, it is very complicated to plan large events and gatherings. The end-of-year festivities are therefore much more modest than usual. However, this is an amazing opportunity to spend more time with your family enjoying Christmas baking together. Home-made cookies can be given as a gift because they are made with love for the closest family members. In order to perpetuate traditions, offer some cookies to children as a symbol of giving and sharing! 


Discover our themed cookie cutter collections on our web shop: https://chezvera.com/en


Our website finally benefits from a secure payment method too and we can provide faster shipment. We offer you free shipping for all orders over 50 € too. Don't hesitate any longer!



24.11.2020 |

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